

By Charles Stewart, 2016

4' tall x 2' wide

Wooden construction w/ tube lights, mesh cage and jumper cables

I created this piece to represent the often self-destructive relationship that people have with their phones,  especially Generation Z, and the dangers it presents. “Like a moth to a flame,” people are drawn to this device. In today's society, many  people are obsessed with their phones. They can’t leave home without their phones  and when they do,  they report they feel lost without it.  Many can't go 15 minutes without checking on texts or updating their social media page. Actual social interactions have been replaced by phones.  Our addiction to these devices has the potential to distract enough to kill,  i.e. using a phone while driving, walking and texting, etc.  To portray society's addiction using the metaphor, " like a moth to a flame", I have created a larger than life cell phone and placed it in a mesh cage setting built to resemble a bug zapper.  When viewing this piece, I hope people consider their relationship with their phone and the risks at which they put themselves.